La Cachama

La Cachama

Up and Coming Works - Coca and Miki

This is the burgeoning of a series of works titled "Los Muchos Usos de la Coca" ("The Many Uses of Coca").  It is more than a study,.  It is an an attempt to expose and lay fissures to the foundations upon which the United States and La Republica de Colombia rest the justification for their methods in carrying out the campaign of prohibition (economic sanctions) and military aid (violence) to further a War on Drugs.  As of May 13, 2009 the term "War on Drugs" coined by the Nixon Administration in 1971, has been deemed "counterproductive" by the United States Office of National Drug Policy.  What term should be used then ?  "Prohibition on Coca Through Containment, Terror and Violence," lacks the requisite panache of modern commercial warfare.  Marketability suffers.  Perhaps "Roundup," the very name of the aerial fumigant used to erradicate coca, given by Monsanto, agro-chemical transnational, is more appropriate.  It "roundsup" all manner of things undesirable.  Including, but not limited to, rounding up voiceless and impoverished communities in the Putumayo thrust into displacement, a minature exodus of sorts, but exodus nonetheless. 

The work-in-progress entitled "Miki o Ada Parisiana del Fervor Cocainomano del1920." ("Miki or Parisean Nymph of the Cocain Fervor of 1920") is a bosquejo (an intial elaboration of an idea, according to the Real Academia) in the purest sense.  It is a beginning; an attempt to chronicle the history of coca as a European-Anglo commodity.  Yet, I wish to note that it is also a commentary on the notion that things tend to come into academic existance upon the discovery that they can be possessed, consumed and transmuted into generators of greater consumption.  Similar to the European discovery of the Americas, coca only came into eurocentric existance when its merchantability and potential for exploitation became evident; a fortuitous grocer's errand.  "Discovery" of coca accompanied a discovery of sentualities to be captured in popular advertisements commodifying that beauty of the feminine (immortalized in early 20th Century advertisments as elixers for melancholy, spirits and tonics, such as Vin Mariani - cocaine wine).
The model is a woman I know only as "Miki."  Her form, beauty, I believe is cardinal to devoloping a parallel appreciation that the plant itself is beautiful (veined, green, red, white-blossomed) without having to be reduced to possession or any lesser or greater title to property, employ or even form.